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What’s New

Qrvey 8.7
Version 8.7 of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers! This version includes new features including area charts, the ability to pivot and export data, as well as numerous bug fixes and performance improvements.
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Qrvey 8.6
Version 8.6 of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers. This version includes several new feature enhancements and performance improvements.
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Required Update for 8.5.1
Attention 8.5.1 customers: for any 8.5.1 instance deployed prior to 08/05/2024, an update is required to ensure you are running the latest images.
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Qrvey 8.5
Version 8.5 (LTS) of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers. This version includes several new features and performance improvements.
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End-of-life Schedule
We've added a new article that lists the features and endpoints that have been scheduled for deprecation. All features and endpoints will be supported for (1) year after the release date of the LTS version that contains the alternative.
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Version: 8.0

Web Form Design Widget

The Web Form Design widget is a powerful and effective tool that allows you to embed the Web Form design in your own web application. We provide three different types of Web Forms, Survey, Form and Quiz. This widget allows your users to create, preview and modify a Web Form. Users can create new questions, sections and branches in a Web Form with just a few code lines in your web application.

HTML Tag And Launcher

The HTML tag for this widget is: <qrvey-design-widgets settings=...>

You can use the following script to launch this widget: <widgets-launcher/app.js>

Configuration Object

The table below provides general information about each property of this widget’s configuration object along with a description of the expected value. The Required column indicates whether the property is required for the configuration object to work properly.

api_keyString, secret identification token to access the application.Yes
app_idString, Qrvey application ID containing the webform.Yes
domainString, domain URL in which the application is in.Yes
qrvey_idString, webform ID that will be edited in the widget.Yes
user_idString, user ID that edits the webform.Yes
app_typeString, a type of webform the widget will instance. Options: "FORM" / "QUIZ" / "SURVEY".Yes
Style_optionObject {
"main_color": String (HEX Color),
"secondary_color": String (HEX Color),
"tab_bar": String (HEX Color),
"field_icon": String (HEX Color),
"error": String (HEX Color),
"notification": String (HEX Color),
"successful": String (HEX Color),
"warning": String (HEX Color)

to change widget colors

Note: Refer to the FAQs if you don’t know where to find any of the required configuration properties.


In this example, we have the design widget configuration object for a Form. This shows the minimum configuration object required to embed the webform design widget.

Note: <APP_ID> must refer to a valid and active application defined on your Qrvey instance, and <QRVEY_ID> must refer to a draft form in that application.

<qrvey-design-widgets settings="configWebForm"></qrvey-design-widgets><script>
var configWebForm = {
"api_key": "<API_KEY>",
"app_id": "<APP_ID>",
"domain": "https://your_qrvey_domain",
"user_id": "<USER_ID>",
"qrvey_id": "<QRVEY_ID>",
"app_type": "FORM"
<!-- your launcher js link (replace with your js link) -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://<WIDGETS_URL>/widgets-launcher/app.js"></script>

As we mentioned earlier, this widget allows us to collect three types of webforms: Survey, Form and Quiz. The app_type property allows you to switch between those types. Valid options are: "FORM" || "SURVEY" || "QUIZ"

See It In Action

See the widget in CodePen:

Sample With Security Token

Web Form Design widget supports the use of JWT tokens for authentication and it is strongly recommended that this method be used to ensure the security of your widget implementation. Please refer to the Embedding Widgets Using A Security Token article for an explanation of the principles.

You can find the secure implementation of the same example as above here.